Favorite Desserts

Paris’ Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Paris’ Chocolate Chip Cookies3/4 c. Butter (softened)3/4 c. Shortening1 and 1/8 c. Brown sugar1 and 1/8 c. Granulated sugar1.5 tsp. Real vanilla extract3 Eggs3.5 cups Flour1.5 tsp. Baking soda1.5...
Paris’ Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Paris’ Chocolate Chip Cookies3/4 c. Butter (softened)3/4 c. Shortening1 and 1/8 c. Brown sugar1 and 1/8 c. Granulated sugar1.5 tsp. Real vanilla extract3 Eggs3.5 cups Flour1.5 tsp. Baking soda1.5...